Online Resources

Accelerated Reader Book Finder

You can search for book titles based on authors, topics, or titles of books. An easy way to find a book in your reading level!


BookFLIX is an online literacy resource for children in grades Pre K-3. It is made to help early readers develop and practice essential reading skills and introduces students to a world of knowledge and exploration.


The Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians (LAMP), is a program funded through the Pennsylvania Office of Commonwealth Libraries and Administered throughout the state of Pennsylvania by Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and the Free Library of Philadelphia.

Digital Books with Libby

Get eBooks and Audiobooks!

PA Job Resources

This resource includes positions open to the public, internal postings, and internships.

Power Library

POWER Library is the online portal to all that Pennsylvania libraries offer. This is the place to find trustworthy answers to questions about healthcare, consumer purchases, personal finances, and much more.


Newly available through POWER Library, MyHeritage is a multilingual family history research database including billions of historical documents from 48 countries, millions of historical photos, public records, indexes, and additional resources that span the past five centuries.

Use your library card number to access MyHeritage

PA Online Learning

PA Online Learning is a free growing collection of tutorials on how to use software, social media, and library resources such as POWER Library.

Online Resources

Accelerated Reader Book Finder

You can search for book titles based on authors, topics, or titles of books. An easy way to find a book in your reading level!

Ancestry Library Edition

Explore your family history and more with Ancestry.

Only available at Lycoming County Library System libraries.


BookFLIX is an online literacy resource for children in grades Pre K-3. It is made to help early readers develop and practice essential reading skills and introduces students to a world of knowledge and exploration.


The Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians (LAMP), is a program funded through the Pennsylvania Office of Commonwealth Libraries and Administered throughout the state of Pennsylvania by Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and the Free Library of Philadelphia.

NoveList Plus

Find reading recommendations including reviews, lists, articles, and more. NoveList will give you access to read-alikes, series information, award winners, best-of lists, top ten lists, and much more!

Use your library card number to access NoveList

NoveList K-8 Plus

All the great things from NoveList, with a focus on students from kindergarten to 8th grade.

Use your library card number to access NoveList K-8

Comics Plus

is a digital platform offering thousands of digital comics, graphic novels and manga to readers

Digital Books with Libby

Get eBooks and Audiobooks!

PA Job Resources

This resource includes positions open to the public, internal postings, and internships.